Albany has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape our community.

We need your help to reverse the damage I-787 did to our community and take bold steps to revitalize, reconnect, and renew Albany.


Who we are

The Reimagine Albany coalition is anchored by the following organizations. We invite your organization to be part of this transformation!

  • Albany Chapter of the NAACP

  • Albany Riverfront Collaborative

  • Arbor Hill Development Corporation

  • AVillage, Inc.

  • Capital Area Urban League,

  • Clean+Healthy

We are committed to centering the voices and needs of disproportionately impacted community residents as we advocate for bold steps forward to shape a better tomorrow for Albany.

Reimagine Albany Team

Tabetha Wilson: Community Outreach & Engagement Coordinator

Tabetha Wilson, a mother of two, lives by her motto "If service is beneath you, then leadership is beyond you." Since 2017, she serves as a Board Member for City School District of Albany citing education as the primary vehicle to help children escape from poverty and an interest in representing the millennials as the next generation of leaders and policymakers. She works for the NYS Office of Temporary Disability Assistance, which serves New York’s most vulnerable and needy. Tabetha also serves on many non-profit boards and committees to lead, assist, and improve fundraising and community engagement.

Tabetha was recognized as the 2018 YWCA Resourceful Woman award, 2018 Ignite Volunteer of the Year for her work with Capital District Sponsor A Scholar, 2019 Ujima Journey "Kazi" (Work) Award recipient, the third recipient of the Henry Johnson Award in 2019, the 2022 City of Albany Division of Human Rights Henry Johnson Leadership Award, the 2023 Capital Region SUSU Women Community Award.

Community Connectors Group Photo

What’s at stake 

Input and insight from disproportionately impacted communities in the South End, Arbor Hill/West Hill at every stage of design and development is essential.

How is as important as what: the deconstruction and construction process will be disruptive. We have to ensure it doesn’t harm neighbors’ health or local businesses.

A reimagined 787 must meet the needs of the entire community, not just commuters.

We must avoid repeating past harms caused by policy and design decisions that resulted in displacement and disconnection for marginalized communities. Instead this is an opportunity to heal old wounds.

We aim to rejuvenate our community spaces, increase investment and interest in local businesses, and foster economic growth that helps all residents. By focusing on sustainable development and inclusive practices, we can restore the vibrancy of Albany.

We are dedicated to enhancing connectivity via our roads and accessways while creating platforms for dialogue, collaboration, and unity.

By prioritizing equitable development and environmental stewardship, we can ensure a better quality of life for current and future generations.

What changes are possible?

We are committed to centering the voices and needs of disproportionately impacted community residents as we advocate for bold steps forward to shape a better tomorrow for Albany.

  • The Dunn Memorial Bridge must be replaced - which means it has to be moved. How high it will be, and where it will be placed are key questions.

  • We could move the train tracks to open more land and allow street-level access to the riverfront.

  • What if only 2-3 lanes of traffic traveled at street level along the I-787 corridor?

  • What if the ramps leading to the Empire State Plaza were roads at ground level

  • What if we didn’t have dozens of deteriorating bridges towering over neighborhoods and creating a wall between the city and the river

  • What if the construction phase is designed to protect our health and hire local residents?